Sunday, February 1, 2009

Well, now what?

Oh look, Thrianarn walking around Sholzar Basin, farming ore no doubt...

Wait, what is that beside him? Something ethereal...could it be?

Yes, my long hunter is over. I finally have a spirit beast.

Keeping with the team theme.

I could go into my long search, constantly circling the same path collecting obscene amounts of saronite ore. However, we've all heard the stories of people capture this elusive creature and now I can count myself among their ranks.

An interesting note though, I wasn't even playing on getting on, but my mother needed help with the end of the nessingwary quests, so I hopped on. I was patrolling the night before and was stopped at one of the spawning locations. I started heading to where my mom was and just habitually started hitting my /target loq macro. Low and behold I targeted it. Right there in the middle of the day while the basin was full of activity. I did everything wrong in capturing it. In fact I nearly died and was fearing someone would come along and steal it from me, but I managed to nab it. I'm even considering leaving the name as Spirit Beast just to show off the fact that I got it. Unless anyone has any good ideas for a name? I can't think of anything.

Another picture of me with the spirit beast under the effects of after using my to take the pictures. The second picture is completely unnecessary and is just there because I can't get over the fact I actually got the thing. :)

However, now that I have it, I can't help but think, "Now what?" I guess I can go run heroics and raids like normal people do. Though I could always start camping for the ;)