Thursday, January 22, 2009

Meet the Dream Team

So here is a short post showcasing my Draenei and the contents of my stable!

Here is my Hunter, Thrianarn(aka scrub)! I am displaying the best tabard in the game. I'm really enjoying how Northrend now has some kind of symmetry with it's gear. If nothing else, the gear all looks really cool on it's own. Not something like this. *shudder*

Here is my Ancient Core Hound(aka the real core hound). I never really planned on taming one until my dad proposed going in with him on his hunter and my moms healer to tame us a couple. They ended up abandoning the attempt, but I was determined to get it now after almost taming it myself. So, I ran to the auction house got a fire resistance potion, a armor increasing potion, and a scroll of stamina. It was close, but I managed to tame it right when it killed me. I rezzed at the Spirit Healer and confirmed he was mine. He is now both a trophy of my solo tame(though I was around level 74), but he is also really awesome. I missed original WoW so I never got to see what a beauty he is, now he has replaced my Devilsaur as my instance DPS pet. I named him Rilgon because just like this Core Hound, Rilgon is hawt. >.>

Here is my prized Silithid Ravager(aka why are you wasting a stable slot)! I realize that Silithid's aren't exactly the best pets or anything, but as you can see with my decision to replace my Devilsaur with a Core Hound, I'm not concerned with min-maxing. I just can't play with a pet I don't enjoy and Devilsaurs don't really appeal to me. Now, I've always wanted to be able to tame a Silithid for a long time. This guy is the rare spawn silithid in the bottom left corner of Shimmering Flats. He has a cool and unique brown skin. He doesn't get a lot of time in the fresh air, but I love him. I named him Mirshalak because just like Survival is(was now with 3.0.8?) it doesn't have max DPS and not a lot of people use it, but I stubbornly refuse to give it up.

Here is my very first pet, a Springpaw Stalker. When I was a young level ten Draenei finally completing my level ten hunter quest I thought, "Hey, it would be pretty cool and unique to run up to the Blood Elf area and tame one of those red kittys!" And so I did. I died many times, but the cat was mine. Well worth the trip, I got the best cat in the game and it really stood out in the Draenei environment. You should have seen all the females swoon as my cat and I strutted around killing foe after foe. I stopped using him once I got a armored RFK boar and haven't really used him since. It's too bad cats are so overused popular, or I would use it more. I named him Five because I think I'm witty. (Cat...five...get it? lololololol)

Here is the real pride of my pack, Uhk'loc! I love playing with him. He got me from 60 - 80. He is just so nice to use when not in a group. He holds aggro well, never even comes close to death, and hes a Gorilla! He is my first a experience with camping a rare spawn(my silithid was a rare spawn, but he isn't exactly highly sought after). I waited for about a good eight to nine hours for this guy. I was at my PC pretty much the whole time since I made the wise choice of trying to tame him on the day of the 3.0 patch. The patch that made gorillas actually useful, so tons of hunters came by looking for him. Fortunately, I was the only one that stuck it out in the end and it was worth every second. Definitely the best looking gorilla in the game, in my opinion. The best thing of all was the higher sense of accomplishment I had from it rather then just taming a pet that was everywhere. I always love being with him no matter what I am doing, as opposed to Ferocity and Cunning pets which are painful to solo with. I named him Spearmint because everyone with class knows that Spearmint is the best flavor of chewing gum.

Here is my award winning question mark(you can see I am not an artist and hold no GIMP skillz)!

We've now reached my final stable slot and that slot remains empty. I have no big plans for it, however, I would like to fill it with Loque’nahak, but as of right now I'm only barely searching for it. Maybe I will make a big push for it this weekend(if only it had a single spawn point like Uhk'loc). I have no idea what I good name for it would be. Any ideas?

So, there you have it! Thats the whole gang. I'm not a min maxer, but I like to pick pets that are lovable :)

Be sure to follow me on twitter at There are lots of hunter bloggers on their to follow be sure to check them all out!

Ugly gear image shamelessly stolen from this forum topic:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hello world(of Warcraft)! - Taking blogging SERIOUSLY

Welcome to my little WoW blog. Being a long time reader of blogs, I’ve toyed with idea of creating my own. However, I felt that with all the other hunter and WoW blogs out there I didn’t have any unique perspectives or anything to add so I didn’t. Finally I just decided that as long as I enjoyed doing it, that’s all that mattered, so here I am!

The name is a homage to the great Marksman hunter blog Stabilized Effort Scope over at

I originally made this blog hastily one night when talking with Rilgon, the head honcho over at SES, on Twitter. You can see the jokes below and they concern things that annoy him. =P

Well, I’ll leave it at that for now as I try to figure this crazy blogging thing out. You can check me out here:

- Requisition

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Cats > Everything else

Especially Wasps.

Ready to pounce...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

All you need to know

BM Hunters > MM Hunters

That is all